How to Add a Caption File to A Youtube Video

Cracked Mirror in Shalott

When interacting with people about building access, there are a couple things that I get a lot of push back on. One of them is creating additional documents giving information in accessible language without removing information. The other, and subject of this post, is captions.

Often, the response when I ask for something to be captioned is that it’s difficult, complicated, or would require removing and re-uploading the video file itself. Alternatively, they say that buying a program to create captions, let alone having someone do it, is cost prohibitive. And maybe they would have a point on cost- if we weren’t talking about putting a file on Youtube. Additionally, half the time I am providing them with the caption file. So I explain that no, it’s very easy, and I type out the steps for them to add a provided caption file to their video. I do this often…

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